Optek Oasis MAX Surfacing System

SKU: Oasis MAX
Avail: Made to Order
Mfg: Optek

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The Oasis (Optek Advanced System for Integrated Surfacing) MAX is a complete, fully computerized surfacing lab system. Every major station (or “cell”) features microprocessor control and is networked to an Rx server. This technology allows critical decisions to be made once, as the job is input. From that point on, intelligent software systems automatically establish optimal configuration settings and manage the processing cycles at each cell. Manual intervention is essentially limited to loading the lens and pressing the start button! Oasis MAX sets the standard for excellence and simplicity.

Key Features

  • World’s first fully computerized surfacing lab
  • Optek’s flagship surfacing system featuring advanced three-axis CNC technology
  • Every major station has its own onboard micro-processor control
  • Every major station is digitally interfaced to the host Rx computer
  • Simplest operation of any system available
  • Minimal human intervention minimizes exposure to error
  • Available with either wax or alloy blocking
  • Readily expandable to accommodate any volume
  • Can be configured to process plastic, polycarbonate, high index, and Trivex lenses
  • LensMate Lab software interfaces with most VCA-compliant finishing equipment
  • Includes:
    • Complete equipment, software, lap tools, and initial supplies
    • Lab layout consultation
    • Factory warranty and support

Highlights of the Surfacing Process

  1. Job data is entered into the LensMate Lab software, which performs the optical calculations, assigns tracking information, and prints a job ticket.
  2. The Unity MAX blocker downloads job data and bonds the aligned lens to the the block with blocking material.
  3. The Contour MAX generator downloads job data and generates the Rx curves and prism, while automatically cribbing and safety beveling the lens. The Contour MAX will also automatically cut a lap tool if the host reports one is not in inventory.
  4. An appropriate lap tool is selected from the lap cabinet. All complete Oasis MAX Surfacing systems come with a full range of highly durable finished lap tools — no need to risk quality and waste time cutting disposable tools except for out of range specials.
  5. The Criterion MAX finer and polisher download job data, establish optimal pressures and cycle times for the lens material, and automatically process the lens with the prepared lap tool.
  6. The surfaced lens is deblocked and sent to inspection and finishing.

