Updated controller registration for backward compatibility with older software.
Added warning notice on calibration curve tuning tab.
Resolved preview rendering issue where some round segment lenses were rotated 180 degrees off axis.
Resolved issue where some floating point values were sent to the controller in a format it could not understand.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.8.1 – 7/30/2024
Updated controller startup program.
Added machine identification details to controller message log and VCA message logs.
Enhanced descriptions of certain calibration error messages.
Resolved issue where calibration Reset X button did not reposition for adjustment after controller reset.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.8 – 5/23/2024
Added automatic upload of diagnostic reports to Optek support.
Improved state synchronization of the user interface to the motion controller.
Updated controller startup program to attempt recovery if an axis pin is behind its limit switch.
Added controller message log and VCA message log to diagnostic report options menu.
Added hotkey to turn debug logging on/off.
Added motion controller board serial number and limit switch deltas to the diagnostic report.
Updated factory run-in and health check programs to tolerate position error values of 8x operational limits.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.7 – 12/21/2023
Resolved issue where changing a downloaded axis value would sometimes cause a calculation error on jobs with a nonzero segment rotation.
Improved preview rendering of round segment lenses.
Resolved issue where responses to INF packets from some hosts caused an error message.
Resolved issue where the screw pitch setting reverted to default after controller reboot.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.6.6 – 4/24/2023
Resolved issue where Y-axis did not home properly and STOP button was disabled during automatic health check immediately following controller initialization.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.6.5 – 4/12/2023
Updated WinTools utility for use with GoTo Rescue.
Version 4.6.4 – 2/17/2023
Updated health check functions to help diagnose a wider range of issues.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.6.3 – 12/24/2022
Optimized controller program code.
Updated factory run-in program.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.6.2 – 11/10/2022
Updated health check functions to help diagnose a wider range of issues.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.6.1 – 8/31/2022
Updated factory run-in program.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.6 – 8/18/2022
Added automatic and on-demand health checking and reporting for axis mechanics and motor encoders.
Added locally cached health logs to the diagnostic report to facilitate reporting for offline machines.
Added support for DMC-40x0 controllers.
Added controller registration logging.
Added factory run-in program.
Startup PID values are now optimized for the installed controller and each axis motor.
Optimized controller program code (now about 10% fewer lines) for faster uploading.
Optimal speed is now automatically selected when calculating laps.
Improved validation of lap tool style height values.
Improved detection of externally triggered controller resets.
Improved display of binary data in host data packet on the diagnostic report.
Resolved issue where cutting PID values were sometimes not applied in machines using a Parker motor on the Y or Z-axis.
Resolved issue where the error message, “Unknown controller detected” sometimes resulted after clicking RESET.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.5 – 10/13/2021
The preview rendering now uses a dotted outline to identify frame shapes that were calculated locally from a downloaded eye shape. Downloaded frame tracings are still drawn using a solid outline.
Cross curves can now be up to two diopters flatter than base curves.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.4 – 5/14/2021
Extended motor torque limit control to increase motion controller life expectancy.
Version 4.3 – 4/26/2021
Added calibration offset validation which warns if any value is found to be out of range during save/load.
Empty strings received in VCA data records are now treated the same as the "?" unknown data indicator.
Removed obsolete configuration setting for cribbing after cutting curves. Resolves issue where an access violation error occurred during calculation on some jobs with a non-zero safety bevel value.
Version 4.2 – 12/17/2020
Improved reporting of motion controller errors during Contour startup.
Resolved issue where international number format settings in Windows caused incorrect translation of some values.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.1 – 3/11/2020
Resolved issue where some jog attempts during calibration failed with status message indicating communication timeout.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 4.0 – 1/22/2020
Added support for the new 850SA-06x axis motor type.
Added VCA communications logging.
Added SN record to VCA initialization packet.
Improved TCP connections to VCA hosts requiring persistent connections.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Version 3.6 – 11/14/2019
Improved support for using TCP connections to VCA hosts.
Minor improvements and fixes.
System database is updated to version 10.
Version 3.5 – 6/18/2019
Resolved issue where saving calibration curve tuning produced an axis position error.
Resolved issue where some controller registration codes were mistakenly determined to be invalid.
Version 3.4 – 1/18/2019
Added machine configuration settings for axis motor types and X-axis PID reduction factor.
Added lens material configuration setting to limit maximum removal for downfeed crib passes.
Removal is now divided evenly across all surface roughing and downfeed crib passes.
Extended upper limit of allowed prism from 20 to 35 diopters.
Optimal speed is now automatically selected when calculating lenses (can be manually overridden).
Added machine name to the identifying caption sent to VCA hosts.
Removed minimum finish depth configuration variables for lens materials and lap tool styles.
Removed unused model option from calibration window factory tab.
Minor user interface changes for uniformity.
System database is updated to version 9.
Version 3.3 – 5/15/2018
Added *Calibration* option to lap blank style select menu for quicker curve tuning.
Added support for importing/exporting job data from/to files.
Added menu options to configuration utility for importing/exporting lap tool styles and generator rings from/to TSV files. Exported files can also be imported by drag and drop.
Added factory value data files to installation image for lap tool styles and generator rings.
Added OSK button to open Windows on-screen keyboard.
Added RV command to Galil client utility to retrieve controller firmware information.
On-screen numeric input window now opens just below or above the active edit box.
Improved automatic detection and initialization of new motion controller.
Improved display of host data packet and pass files on diagnostic/error report.
Resolved issue where motion controller registration failed in certain time zones.
Resolved issue where certain motion errors caused Contour to freeze during calibration.
Version 3.2 – 1/24/2018
Updated calibration curve tuning process for improved accuracy. SPECIAL TOOLING IS NOW REQUIRED FOR CALIBRATION.
Added display of lap tool compensated finished curves (values measured at gauge).
Added axis offset data to diagnostic/error report.
Version 3.1 – 9/18/2017
The database can now be restored from another backup if an incompatible database has been restored.
Starting duplicate instances of the control system application is now prevented.
Version 3.0 – 3/2/2017
Improved support for Windows regional format settings.
Simplified motion controller reset procedure.
Update announcements now include a link with details about the update.
Version 2.12 – 8/23/2016
Added WinTools utility to simplify access to remote support and other system resources.
Added Close Application option to Shut Down button action list.
Version 2.11 – 5/18/2016
Account number and access key can now be saved for easy login to the online Technical Access Center.
Resolved issue where lap tool calculation would sometimes loop indefinitely.
Resolved issue where database restore failed if the configuration utility was launched from the machine control application.
Version 2.10 – 1/27/2016
Added push notification/download of available application updates.
Database backup and restore functions are integrated within Contour.
Optek FoamMAX ER lap tools are now precut before cribbing to prevent the tool collet nut from striking the top of the foam.
Version 2.9 – 10/16/2014
Moved registry values from HKLM to HKCU for improved compatibility with Windows 8.
Improved control interface to motion controller.
Added SQLEdit utility.
Version 2.8.1 – 4/16/2013
Reformatted trace data encoding on diagnostic/error report.
Resolved issue where downloading a horizontal axis of zero caused a calculation error.
Version 2.8 – 2/6/2013
Added support for Windows 8.
Resolved issue where certain high prism jobs would not complete the rough pass.
Version 2.7.1 – 12/27/2011
Resolved issue where job calculation was attempted if host returned “job not found.”
Version 2.7 – 10/28/2011
Corrected height calculation and preview rendering of FoamMAX tools.
Improved processing of high curve foam tools.
System database is updated to version 8.
Version 2.6 – 10/7/2011
Added support for downloaded prism index values.
Added support for FoamMAX tools.
Added confirmation prompt when plus curves are entered in lens mode.
System database is updated to version 7.
Version 2.5 – 2/23/2011
Added support for using either “locked by default” or “unlocked by default” door latch hardware.
Added motion controller bypass option to extend diagnostic capabilities.
Resolved issue where host data packet display was truncated on diagnostic/error report.
System database is updated to version 6.
Version 2.4 – 10/27/2010
Added Diagnostics dialog for use in troubleshooting.
Added Diagnostic Report dialog (F2) to consolidate and replace diagnostic/error report shortcut keys.
Added support for pin beveling plano and plus curves.
In lap cutting mode, chuck type is automatically selected based on lap style.
“Door opened during cut” error is displayed to the user.
Diagnostic report is automatically created each time a job is calculated.
Cutting chamber door remains locked while cutter spins down.
DuraMAX lap tool styles have been added to the default database.
System database is updated to version 5.
Version 2.3 – 12/17/2009
Jobs are automatically calculated after downloading.
Added support for edge-protecting minus power lenses.
Added button on calibration dialog to allow the motion controller to be re-initialized.
Added button on calibration dialog to display axis offsets.
Software detects if the hardware interrupt button has been pressed.
Error reports are preserved until overwritten by a subsequent error.
Moved maximum lap tool height from Edit Options to Edit Lap Tool Style [Heights (mm) | Maximum].
Configure and calibrate functions are password protected to prevent non-administrative access.
System database is updated to version 4.
Version 2.2 – 4/27/2009
Added support for safety beveling on knife-edge lenses.
Version 2.1 – 3/25/2009
Smoothed Y-axis acceleration.
Resolved condition where access violation errors occurred after opening Help > About in the configuration utility.
Version 2.0 – 1/23/2009
Improved accuracy of generic trace calculations.
Enhanced center protect feature to improve center point quality on some polycarbonate lenses.
Improved input validation routines.
Added button on the calibration dialog to allow the x-axis zero adjustment to be reset.
Added tools to the calibration dialog to facilitate limit switch adjustment.
Added fining adjustment sag parameter for lens materials to reduce fining times.
Added safety margin to prevent cutter from striking the metal pins that are embedded within foam lap tools.
Added Machine table to the diagnostic/error report.
Added configuration setting to specify cribbing to be done first or after the finish pass is completed.
Added *Calibration* lens material for use when cutting calibration lenses.
Reset center protect values for lens materials to safe defaults.
License activation can now be completed online.
Door safety lock remains engaged for five seconds after clicking the Stop button.
Improved implementation of the “Speed %” setting for better results with very high cylinders and saddlebacks.
Changed default TCP port for connection to VCA server from 6711 to 33512.
Service port can be edited for TCP connection to VCA server.
Corrected download and processing of safety bevel values.
Adjusted cutter approach rate so that full RMP is achieved before contacting the edge of the lens.
Updated the default values used when job records downloaded from third-party Rx hosts are incomplete.
Clarified the warning message shown for lenses that cannot be rendered.
Reduced rough cut removal rate on foam lap tools to reduce the chance of them being pulled out of the chuck.
Resolved issue where only right eye trace data was received with jobs downloaded from some VCA hosts.
Resolved floating point error that occurred when the front radius was less than the generator ring radius.
Added support for Microsoft Vista.
System database is updated to version 3.
Version 1.9.1 – 2/11/2007
Corrected handling of lap curve signs received in VCA job downloads.
Version 1.9 – 9/20/2006
Job numbers are transmitted exactly as entered to host software. Leading zeroes, if any, are included.
Resolved condition where decentration prism moved the OC out instead of in for bi-convex lenses blocked on geometric center.
Corrected preview rendering of foam lap tools.
Lens thickness is preserved if the generator ring is changed after downloading a job.
Added “Maximum lap tool height” option under Tools > Options to resolve condition where certain lap tools were too tall to fit in some surfacing machines.
System database is updated to version 2.
Version 1.8 - 4/4/2006
Resolved condition where the cutter occasionally passed through the back edge of the lens after completing the final cribbing pass.
Version 1.7 - 2/21/2006
Corrected occasional failure to start cribbing passes. The condition only occurred on large diameter lenses that needed no roughing passes when the finish infeed spacing was set to 0.5mm.
Resolved issue where lens blanks with back curves steeper than –9.00 diopters caused a Y-axis failure at the start of the first cribbing pass.
Corrected interpretation of the VCA “?” symbol when the generator is linked to non-Optek host software.
Resolved issues that occasionally caused errors during software upgrade.
Version 1.6 - 12/19/2005
Resolved issue where the left lens was cut using right lens sag data on downloaded jobs.
Resolved issue where the motion controller hung while loading the second pass file in jobs with multiple pass files.
Corrected behavior of automatic calculation for non-inventoried lap tools in downloaded jobs.
Version 1.5 - 11/10/2005
Resolved issue where Z-axis errors resulted from excessive torque.
Resolved floating-point exceptions that occurred when calculating some jobs with steep back curves on the lens blank.
Improved state synchronization of the user interface to the motion controller.
Version 1.4 - 9/30/2005
Improved servo tuning to reduce audible noise at the end of roughing passes.
Resolved issue where the offending control occasionally did not receive focus when a crib diameter value failed range checking.
Version 1.3 - 7/29/2005
Added support for new ball screw pitch.
Resolved issue where the first rough pass occasionally did not remove any material.
Version 1.2 - 3/18/2005
Improved motor tuning for better surface finishes and reduced cutting noise.
Extended generator axis and prism axis input limits to allow zero values.
Resolved issue where X and Y-axes did not always reach “home” position on startup.
Version 1.1 - 1/25/2005
Added processing support for lenticular and aspheric lenses (graphical rendering of these is not currently supported but may be in a future release).
Smoothed motion acceleration and deceleration used with high cylinder jobs.
Added dynamic servo tuning to improve surface finishes and reduce audible noise.
Extended lap tool curve input limits to allow jobs with plus back curves.
Extended lens blank curve input limits.
Resolved extended cross-hatching that occurred when rendering some lenses.